We started as five entrepreneurs with successful projects and achievements behind us within several sectors: IT development and delivery, leadership, sales, marketing, communication, hospitals and health care, cleantech, renewables, sustainability, and human resources. Each of us has collected over 30 years of experience,
and we complete each other through our different areas of know-how.
In December 2023 we teamed up with a sixth partner/owner – ByBrick AB, a Swedish IT-consultant company with the competence, experience, and muscles needed for us in this early stage. Together with their team of developing experts we are now (Spring 2025) in the final phase of developing the second version of our platform – Helpingly 2.0.

Dag Arild

ByBrick AB
Bjorn Lantz
We believe in compassionate connections, trust, and generosity. We believe that sincere human relations travel efficiently over cultural borders, linguistic barriers, and time zones. We also believe that increased efficiency, resulting in reduced operating costs, can be combined with a higher focus on human compassion. For individuals and in society.
We have created a service concept, initially for the health sector, and are now developing a digital platform with an app to enable better understanding of services and needs between two parties. We call them the Helper and the Helpee. Be it a nurse and a patient, a host and a guest or a renter and a tenant.
We are based in Norway and Sweden and established a Norwegian company – Helpingly Group AS in 2021 (former Ping4Help AS). Our ambition is to develop, test and commercialise our concept and product by using our own competences initially, and connect with top-of-the-line partners and resources along the line, in order to secure a successful launch and roll-out. We are focusing on two major market segments, but are basing the platform design to be suitable for many more.
We are finalizing our second version. It has been tested and besides finding a few bugs here and there, the feedback has been overwhelming. We will still hold our horses and test and re-develop until we can launch a complete, safe, and stable platform.
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